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On Self-expression

· 2 min read

On Self-expression

In this photo, I was sharing a deeply personal story I thought no one would ever know about. Yet, at the end, I heard the applause of over 100 people. This moment was a pivotal point in my life. Suddenly, the world seemed a bit less intimidating. Here I felt seen, understood, and admired. It was a realization that maybe I wasn’t so crazy after all. We often battle with our thoughts but rarely share them with others, so it felt like a gift to offer that openness—and perhaps it deserved that applause.

But why are we so afraid to share our thoughts or express ourselves, whether through a story, painting, outfit, poem, or dance? Many of us are afraid of judgment or rejection and that others might leave us alone with our “weirdness.” Sadly, rejection is a possibility. But if we hide who we are, how can we expect others to connect with us truly? When you express yourself, you’re saying “Hey, look! I’ve captured the essence of sacrifice in this sculpture, poem, or artwork,” creating a special connection that resonates on a deep level.

We’re living in an era where self-expression doesn’t require a stage or venue. You can simply hit “record” and you are on stage. Some people might dislike it; a few will definitely appreciate it. But it’s a noble message to carry: letting others know that we’re all different, and that’s perfectly okay.